Life Hacks

Check Out This Simple Home Remedy For Removing Blackheads!

Blackheads. They are a total pain in the butt. You try to squeeze them and you get scarred for life. Or you spend obscene...

CIA Agent Shows You How To Break Free If Your Hands Are Bound Up With Duct Tape

Ex-CIA agent Jason Hanson knows a thing or two about what it takes to get yourself out of a tricky spot. After six years...

How To Turn An Old Wrench Into One Of The Coolest Knives Ever

Okay, maybe 'how to' is a little ambitious here. We don't actually expect you to watch this clip and take it as an instructional video...

He Mixes Up A Paste Using a Common Ingredient… Next? The Whitest Teeth EVER!

What do you use to clean your teeth? A toothbrush and toothpaste, right? Sure. We all do. But is it really the best thing...

He Pours Salt Onto a Sponge… Why? For An INGENIOUS Reason!

Life hacks. We love them! Thee's nothing better than a quick tutorial that gives you nice and simple tips and tricks that might just...


