When you’re caught on camera doing something, it’s never something good, is it? The whole reason people are probably recording you is because you’re going to be doing something totally embarrassing. But what happens when someone catches you filming them? It can be fairly obvious sometimes, what with pointing a big old camera in someone’s face. Just ask this woman here…
Waiting for an act to come on at a gig, she’s enjoying a little bit of pre-concert Rhianna. And why not? The TV cameraman capturing the gathered crowd thought he’d record her shaking her booty in the crowd. Now, we don’t think she needs to be too embarrassed about this. She’s got some pretty sweet moves. But when she realizes she’s being filmed she does NOT look amused. And cue some pretty impressive casual panning away from the cameraman filming. Like he wasn’t spying on her. Do we think they got away with it? See what you think…