In China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Thursday, a 32 year-old man jumped off the top of a four story building in what appears to have been a suicide attempt, only to have his life saved by a heroic police officer. The jumper appeared to try and hold on after jumping, indicating that he may have changed his mind about his intentions at the last minute. Luckily for him, a selfess cop was on hadn to break his fall. Using his own body…
The police officer, Liang Xiao, took the full brunt of the weight but, incredibly, seems to have escaped without any real injuries. The jumper was in a slightly worse shape, but both men have since been cleared by doctors.
You can see Xiao run towards where the man was due to land, proving that he takes his role to ‘serve and protect‘ very seriously indeed.
This is one brave guy…