Last Embrace Of Couple Married For 75 Years Who Died Just 24 Hours Apart


A photo has emerged of the last moments of a devoted elderly couple who spent seventy five years of married life together. Ninety six year old Jeanette Toczko and her husband Alexander, both from San Diego, California, passed away just hours apart as they held each other in bed. They first met and fell in love when they were both eight years old, and remained together through all of life’s ups and downs.

Both were in good health, but when the ninety five year old Alexander fell and broke his hip, he became bed bound and his health rapidly deteriorated. Despite receiving care at home, his wife’s own health began to decline too, until it became obvious that both were nearing the end of their long and happy lives. They had always expressed a wish to die in one another’s arms. When Alexander finally passed, his wife was there by his side.


Jeanette’s daughter broke the news of her husband’s passing.

“See,” the elderly lady said, “this is what you wanted. You died in my arms and I love you. I love you, wait for me, I’ll be there soon.”

Within twenty four hours, Jeanette herself passed away in her husband’s arms. A member of staff at the hospice where they lived out their final days called it one of the most incredible things she had ever seen.


The World War II veteran and his wife married in 1940. They leave behind a large and happy family, with five children of their own, plus ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren. There’s one thing for sure – this devoted couple may be gone, but they most certainly will never be forgotten.

Rest in peace.


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