Across the United States, the percentage of released prisoners that relapse into a life of crime and go back to jail is between 50-60%. In the ‘Leader Dogs for the Blind Prison Puppy Raising Program’, that statistic lies closer to 10%. Pretty amazing, huh? It seems as though raising a dog is a highly effective tool for prisoner rehabilitation… Promoting responsibility and care.
And it goes both ways too. Leader dogs for the blind raised in prison environments by assessed, safe and approved inmates go on to make better service animals. The stats back that up. Why? Well, part of the reason is the number of man hours the prisoners can put into the program. When you’re in jail, you’ve a long time each day with nothing to do. The prisoners involved in the scheme put every waking hour into their work. And it shows.
We found this program fascinating and not just a little bit touching. We think you will too…