Eduarda Henklein Baterista from Brazil is only five years old. But that doesn’t stop her from being a hugely impressive musical figure. In fact, you could say that she’s a musical prodigy and we don’t think too many people would disagree with you! You’ve only got to watch her in action to realize that she has a quite unique natural gift. Her instrument of choice? Well, not one you equate with cute little girls, that’s for certain… Eduarda loves playing the drums!
She can be seen here in a clip taken from a television show in Brazil, showing off her ridiculous skills to the world famous rock song, ‘Jump’ by Van Halen. Now we’ve heard of and seen younger skin-hitters (like this baby drummer), but we’ve never known of the youngster be THIS good before.
Want to know the even crazier thing about this? When this footage was shot, this litte girl had been learning to play the drums for less than a year. It’s amazing really, isn’t it? What a treasure. Check her out…