If you thought that your next door neighbor’s SUV was the biggest machine in the world, you’re about to be in for a shock… We’ve got a collection of three of the planet’s most enormous man-made machines that move (quite the tongue twister, that…). And, well, they are HUGE. Unsurprisingly.
Firstly, there’s the 131ft x 114ft NASA Crawler-Transporter which weighs more than six million pounds, cost a huge amount to build and are capable to moving rockets and even speace shuttles around. Then there’s Big Bertha, the world’s biggest tunnel boring machine which weighs in at over 7,000 tonnes. And finally we see the INSANE Bagger 293 – the biggest terrestrial vehicle of all time. It’s 738 feet long and weighs over 30 million pounds!
These things are beyond big, the scale is almost unbelievable. So sit and prepare to be WOWED!
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