Nearly half of all adults in the United States openly admit to texting or checking their cellphones while driving (compared with 43% of teenagers asked). Of all the people surveyed, more than 98% of adults, that’s nearly every single one of them (!) — confess that they know it’s wrong to do so. That same poll also revealed how almost 50% of children say they’ve seen their parents text or use their cell while driving too. These are some shocking numbers.
We’ve all heard it before, haven’t we? ‘Don’t text and drive’. ‘Don’t look at your cellphone’. ‘Ignore your phone’. But it’s harder than it sounds. 24/7 we can just grab our cell and check it. For texts, calls, emails, alerts, whatever. We’re in the habit. But when you’re commanding a ton, two tons of metal and throwing it about at 50, 60, 70 miles per hour? You’re risking lives. Yours, your family’s, other people’s…
AT&T have come up with a stunningly well-made public service broadcast that really illustrates the importance of leaving your phone be until the engine’s off. It may shock you, but it may change your habits too. Just watch.