We all love a puzzle or a teaser, don’t we? Especially if it’s challenging. And we think we’ve got a good one for you here. But not only is it fun and a bit of a head scratcher, it’s also got a very important point behind it.
It’s an optical illusion with a difference, experts claim that only around one in every ten people will spot it… So try your luck!
You need to stare at the center of this image and totally relax your eyes. Keep staring for a few minutes until a pictures forms…
Can you see it? No? Keep staring. Try again…
Still no luck? Give up? Or you did see it (well done, if so)? Okay, well the hidden image was a panda! It’s part of a campaign to raise awareness for the plight of the perhaps soon-to-be extinct panda bear… From those good guys over at the Worldwide Fund for Animals (WWF).