Clemmons Elementary School, North Carolina. The students here just can’t keep still. But far from scolding them for it, the teachers encourage it. Why? Well, it’s all part of the school’s new ‘Riding & Reading’ program. Kids nowadays often spend far too long being sedentary and don’t get enough exercise. So this school has come up with an awesome idea – exercise bikes!
It might sound weird, but they’ve not hooked the bikes up to generators to power the town or anything (though that’s an idea…). The kids actually enjoy the workout. And exercise has been shown to help concentration. It’s a win-win situation all round!
The read and ride sessions last between 15-20 minutes and really helps make reading time fun for the young ‘uns. It doesn’t affect school budgets either as all equipment has been kindly donated by local sponsors. We think this is an excellent scheme and we’d love to see it rolled out across the country… And the world! See how cool it is for yourself: