The Dangers Of Social Media. With almost all of us on social networking sites nowadays, the dangers associated with their use grow almost every day. But while most of us are adults and are pretty safe, for children and young adults? The dangers are there and they’re very, very real.
But just how worried should we be? Predators that prey on children using the internet… Is it mostly sensationalism created by the media? Well, we’re afraid not. Children left unattended on the internet are putting themselves in danger. And in a big way.
To prove just how alarming this situation is, the pranks and social experiments website enlisted the help of internet filmmaker Coby Persin to investigate just how easy it is to pose a serious risk to a child.
Pranksters and Coby set up an unique experiment which looked to investigate just how simple it is for a pedophile to infiltrate a young person’s online world, arrange a meet and then get them into a van. Sounds harsh, but we think this is an important investigation and it’ll definitely open your eyes.
Prepare to be truly shocked. And then think about the restrictions you place on your children’s phone and internet use…