When the Tonight Show‘s Jimmy Fallon invited Steve Harvey on to host a special mini edition of Family Feud, he probably expected to dominate proceedings. In the special edition, the so-called ‘Fallon family’ was up against the ‘Roots family’, consisting of Questlove, Tariq and James Poyser from the band The Roots. Fallon’s team, made up of Alison Brie from Sleeping with Other People and regular Tonight Show announcer Steve Higgins, looked dead certs to not only win the whole thing, but completely outshine their opponents. After all, what could possibly go wrong?
However, right off the bat Fallon and co. were put on the wrong foot by Questlove and his teammates. What follows after Steve Harvey asks the first question about nicknames for girlfriends makes for absolutely hilarious viewing. Watch especially for Family Feud host Steve Harvey, who emerges as the star of the show, utterly handing it to Fallon in a barnstorming, top form performance. There’s a reason Family Feud is the number on game show in America. And that reason’s name is Steve Harvey.
The guy’s a living legend and, after watching this hilarious Tonight Show video where he and the Roots family run rings around the Fallons, you’ll be left in no doubt why that is.
Check it out: