Most 12 year-old girls dream of getting married one day. Thea Bryllupet is no different. The thing is, that day isn’t all that far away at all for her. In fact – it’s today. She may not be in her teens yet, but she’s marrying a 37 year-old man in Norway. How is this possible, you might ask…
Well, it’s not. Not in Europe or the US, at least. But across the world tens of thousands of underage girls are forced in marriage every day and it’s vile. The people behind this awareness campaign, Plan International, decided to use a young white blond European girl to ram the point home. And it’s shocking.
Child marriage is very much real. And it’s appalling. The thought of young girls who are not yet through puberty being forced to live in matrimony with fully grown men – with all that it entails – should make any right-thinking human sick to their stomach.
This is important: