Stains on your t-shirts. They’re so annoying, aren’t they? Especially if they’re oil stains. Even the tiniest ones and you’re faced with having to throw away the shirt or tear it up for rags. If only there was a guaranteed way to remove oil stains from shirts. Say, a life hack of some kind… What’s that? There IS?! Heh. Of COURSE there is…
Here’s what you’re going to have to collect together before you start: some liquid dish soap, a tin of WD-40, a little baking soda, an old toothbrush you no longer use, a small piece of cardboard and Q-Tips…
Got all that? Right, okay. So you’ve got a stain like this?
And you’ve got all this lot, right?
First, a little WD-40 on the offending areas.
Followed by baking soda.
Then detergent the area a little.
Scrub again.
Et Voila!
Neat, huh?