
Scientists Discover New Hidden Planet In Our Solar System!

Astronomers have incredibly discovered an as-yet-unfound NINTH PLANET in our solar system. It's been dubbed 'Planet X', it's about the size of Neptune and...

Have a Safe Trip! How LSD Can Cure Insomnia And Anxiety…

'How to cure insomnia?' 'How to cure anxiety?' If you suffer from either of these afflictions, you'll have no doubt sought the answers to...

‘Cyclops’ Baby Exposed To Radiation In Womb Is Born With One Central Eye

A heart-rendering picture of a poor newborn baby born with one eye has been released by medical experts in Egypt. The eye is central...

Scientists Predict ‘Mega-Tsunami’ Could Kill Us All…

A 'mega-tsunami' could be heading our way soon and could be of such biblicial proportions that we'd all face extinction. A 1,000ft wave swept across...

Toddler Has Head Successfully Re-Attached To Body After Near-Deadly Car Accident

This is Jackson Taylor. Recently the 16-month-old Australian was traveling in a car along with his mother and 9-year-old sister when they collided with...


