At the risk of sounding like old people… Do you remember the good old days? Back years ago. When families all used to get around a dinner table at least once a day and enjoy a meal together? It seems almost like ancient history for a lot of us now, doesn’t it? People eat in front of the TV a lot now, don’t they? Or at the table, but while looking at their smartphone or tablet…
It gets a lot of parents down. And pasta sauce people Dolmio have noticed. Their Australian side of the business has decided to fight back. With a very clever little gizmo they’ve come up with that they think can claim back dinnertime. The ‘Pepper Hacker’. It’s a regular-looking peppermill, except it can kill all wi-fi and TVs and phones and computers and tablets!
Thee’s now no excuse. Families are back around the dinner table and talking to each other once again with this clever little hack. See how it works…