No Gamer’s Life Is Complete Without This Brilliantly Funny Underwear!
The imaginative types over at Pixel That have come up with an eye-catching new range of underwear that's sure to appeal to video game...
They’re Alone In The Elevator… When The Camera Caught Him Doing THIS – WHOA!
El Paso, Texas. Deputy Tony Scherb of the County Sheriff’s Office, after a full and enjoyable twenty nine long years on the job, has...
A Woman Accidentally Farts At The Dinner Table… But She Never Thought THIS Would Happen Next!
A young woman goes to Thanksgiving dinner at her new boyfriend’s parents’ house. All the family are there. It’s her very first time at the...
15 People So Stupid It’s Actually Quite Impressive
Some people are dumb. We all know that. And it's especially true on the internet. Jeez, some of the folks you come across online...
“Dumb” Man On Judge Judy Loses His Case In Under 30 Seconds!
A clip from popular TV show Judge Judy has emerged which shows a man losing his case in fewer than 30 seconds, after accidentally...