
Two Guys Get a Wrong Number Text About A Baby’s Birth… Then Do Something AMAZING!

Mark and Lindsey Knox were in hospital, having a baby. The proud new mom gave birth and couldn't wait to share the news with...

This Little Girl Totally Shellshocks A Politician With This One Clever Question…

With the Presidential nominations in full swing it seems like we can't escape the disingenuous political nonsense that seems to be hiding around every...

If Guys Had Periods, THIS Is What Their Tampon Ads Would Look Like!

What would the world be like if men had periods? Well the water charity Water Aid decided to find out. They conducted a poll...

Toddler’s Upset That Mom’s Served Him ‘Poop’ For Dinner. This Is Too Funny!

Kids say the funniest things, don't they? And, judging by what happens here in this video, they make for the harshest food critics. The...

His Girlfriend Wanted No Part Of The Kiss Cam – Then The Girl In The Next Seat Did THIS!

Ah, the Kiss Cam. It's a classic feature of the ball game now, isn't it? It's as immersed in sports as beers, hot dogs...


